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City Council Meeting - 08/25/2005
Auburn City Council
Meeting #37
Thursday August 25, 2005
Regular Business Meeting

Roll Call – Mayor Lattimore, Councilors, Jacobs, McNabb, Dempsey and Hunter; present.

Staff Members Present – John Salomone, City Manager; Thomas Leone, Corporation Counsel; Debra McCormick, City Clerk; Police Chief Gary Giannotta, William Lupien, Superintendent of Engineering Services.

All stood for the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.  

Presentations and Proclamations – None.
Mayor Lattimore introduced Joe Chimdamo, and invited him to speak at this time because he had to get to work.  Mr. Chimdamo spoke to Council regarding an issue with paving the parking lot at 31 Columbus St., where he rents and owns a business.  A stop work order had been issued.  He asked for help.  

Public Announcements – The Clerk read.

City Manager’s Report
John Salomone reported the following:
§       The City has received several NYSERDA Grants.
§       East Genesee St. construction approvals are in the final stages with the recent approval from SHIPPO.
§       The Arterial is being repaved.  
§       City Hall will return to regular 9AM to 5PM hours beginning September 6th.  
§       City Council will meet in the evenings beginning September 8.
§       A Landfill analysis is in process. A workshop is scheduled for September 22nd.
§       A Housing and Code workshop is scheduled for September 15.  
§       The Cable Advisory Committee will make a presentation at a September meeting.

Public to be Heard –
William Walsh, Schwartz Towers spoke to Council about his CB radio group.

A gentleman from Marietta (name inaudible) owner of property on Orchard St. spoke to Council about issues he has had with the Code Office.

Carr Magel, 171 Dunning Ave. spoke to Council about ongoing problems he has with his properties and the Code Office.  

Corporation Counsel Thomas Leone responded to Mr. Magel’s comments.  Mr. Leone commented on the condition of Mr. Magel’s properties.  Council commented and there was discussion about taxes due and new property being purchased by Mr. Magel.

Mary Lou Picciano, 32 Cayuga St. spoke to Council about her son’s arrests.  She asked for assurance that he would not be arrested again.  Mr. Leone told her that could not happen.

Robert Smith 63 Columbus St., suggested that a Skateboard Park be placed at Pomeroy Park.  Councilor Jacobs commented on the City’s previous proposal to put a park in the Mill St. area.

Report of City Officials
Councilor McNabb discussed a meeting he attended that was held in Cortland with area Empire Zone officials.  The meeting focused on the impact to city’s from the new EZ laws .

Mayor Lattimore commented on the water system.  He commented on communication issues.

Presentation of Petitions and Communications – The Clerk read.

Land Sale Resolution #124 of 2005 authorizing the sale of 7-9 Bellevue Place to Cynthia Bishop, 6 Bellevue Place, Auburn, NY.  VOTE: Mayor Lattimore, Councilors Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, and Dempsey aye.  PASSED.

Second Public to be Heard – None
Other Business

Councilor Hunter suggested that Council meet at 4PM on September 8th rather than 5PM so that staff and Council could attend the tax auction at 7PM.  All agreed.

Councilor Hunter asked if anything could be done about a pit-bull on Cottage St. There was some discussion on how dangerous dogs are handled in the city.

Councilor Hunter asked about properties on Bradford St.  He also asked about a burned out home on Easterly Ave.  He commented on the skateboard park issue.

           Thomas Leone, Corporation Counsel discussed options for staff to refute comments made by the public during the public to be heard that are inaccurate.  He asked if public comments could be kept to 3 minutes in fairness to all those waiting to be heard in a timely way. He also recommended that adhering to the agenda would be in Councils best interest.  He asked for Council direction on how to handle inaccurate statements made by the public at the meeting. The City Manager and Council consensus was to address them as needed and possibly add an item to agenda.

Mayor Lattimore asked that Corporation Counsel determine if there are exit fees on the BOCES contract.

Recap – The Clerk read.

Council adjourned to executive session at 11:30AM and returned at 12:14PM.  

Council adjourned at 12:15PM.